I have wanted to write fan fiction for a long time now. At first it took me a while to decide on what to write. Then in the tenth season of one of my favorite shows, Smallville, they introduced a new character. Clark Luthor. He was a homicidal maniac. So naturally the fans loved him. They even brought him back for a second episode. I wished he had been created much earlier than the last season because it would’ve been great to see more of him. So I thought it would be great if I wrote fan fiction based around him. Especially since he belonged in an alternate universe. The writers put him on the road to redemption in his world, but he had blown up bridges all over the place.
So after I found the perfect subject for my fan fiction, I planned out a story arc for Clark Luthor. Then I did nothing. For years. Now I’m finally going to write out the story and post the chapters here on Fridays. Today I will post a recap of Clark Luthor’s storyline on Smallville to remind everyone of what happened to him. The first chapter goes up next Friday and will take place where the video leaves off. I also added clips I felt were relevant to set up my story arc. Enjoy!